Benefits of giving back to the Gamma Chi Chapter

It is no secret that being part of a group like Sigma Chi is impactful throughout the remainder of our lives. We have heard from our brothers about the influence that the Gamma Chi Chapter has had on our futures, but what happens when we give back? This is what your brothers have to say about the benefits of giving back: 


“When alumni are active, the chapter does very well. When we lost the charter, the primary reason I was told was that the alumni were not as active, as they have been now that we’ve rechartered. Bottom line: Alumni participation generates better outcomes.”Dennis O’Connell ‘82

Preece says that giving back to the chapter is critical. “I do not want to lose contact and forget Sigma Chi,” he says. “It was too important to me.”Seth H. Preece ‘49

“[If more brothers gave], it would provide more help to the undergraduate brothers—academically and help those in leadership positions.” – William Randall ‘68