“The Best Years of My Life”

In the midst of pandemics and job worries, family matters and just daily life in general, it’s easy to forget all that our Sigma Chi experience gave us and still gives. 

Leadership opportunities at the Gamma Chi house, camaraderie with our fellow Gamma Chi brothers, life-changing philanthropy projects and friendships that will last a lifetime — it’s a lot to be thankful for. For many of us, those experiences made us into the men we are today. 

We surveyed Sigma Chi alums from all across the country about their Sigma Chi experiences and they echoed this sentiment precisely. Their college years just wouldn’t have been the same without Sigma Chi. Check out a selection of their survey responses below on what Sigma Chi meant to them. It won’t take long for you to start nodding your head in agreement. You might even be inspired to pick up the phone and call up one of your fellow Sigma Chis to rekindle some old memories. 

Have a thought or two of your own you’d like to share with your fellow alumni? CLICK HERE to fill out our survey, and you may see your Gamma Chi memories, photos or reflections published in a future newsletter or eLetter. 

“I suspect the impact of the pandemic on the fraternity will be a subset of the broader impact on university life.  I think its critical that Sigma Chi evolve to maintain its relevance under social distancing guidelines.  This also presents us an opportunity, if appropriate, to evolve the fraternity especially in terms of what friendship and learning means.” Ajay Mehta ’85

“A bad time, be it a pandemic, a death in the family or a career setback among other woes, makes one want to reach out to someone who cares, be good counsel, and be discreet. What is abundantly clear, is that the deep, personal experience of pledgeship and brotherhood creates these bonds. We all believe the same things and in each other.” David Crow ’75

“In today’s atmosphere we  most all stand tall and accept the fact that things will ultimately get better — but until then enjoy the good memories of the past, and in my case that includes a great Sig experience.” Robert Gralley ’49

“I have always enjoyed the friendships developed during my time at UMD and being in Sigma Chi.  My pledge class has always been well represented at Alumni and undergraduate events and since I am relatively successful in my post-college career it only makes sense to give back to those coming after me as well as getting together with lifelong brothers.” Daniel Beall ’84

“We should ensure that we are all ready, willing and able to assist our brothers with hardships encountered during this time of uncertainly and danger.  However, during this crisis, the word brotherhood should be expanded to include family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors.  We are all in this together and are stronger when we draw upon each other’s strengths.” Roger Aarons ’88

“I’m really not sure how the pandemic will affect the future of the fraternity life. In the short run, it will be more of the same – with social distancing. Covid-19 is real and it is serious and can take the life of a younger person. When I was in college I thought that my life was invincible. Now I know that life is fragile. So being cautious and being vigilant to stop the spread will be of utmost importance. We all need to make sure we are safe and healthy. The Sigma Chi brotherhood is a special bond. One that bonds us together for life. Life is fragile, so appreciate it and don’t take it for granted.”  Andrew Harper ’87