Derby Days 2024 Announced

Alumni, Parents & Friends,

The Undergraduate Chapter is pleased to announce that Derby Days 2024 will be held the week of September 30. Children’s National Hospital, part of the Children’s Miracle Network, is the sole beneficiary of our Derby Days philanthropy.

The chapter has raised nearly $500,000 for Children’s National Hospital since 2011, when we brought Derby Days back to campus after we recolonized in 2009. For some time, Derby Days has been the largest Greek life philanthropy event on the UMD campus.

The Chapter is very interested in continuing to engage with our beloved Alumni to support Derby Days. We will be holding a virtual Alumni event on Sunday, September 8 via Zoom to discuss how our Alumni can increase their support of Derby Days. For an invitation to the Zoom call, email Chapter Advisor Dennis O’Connell at

For more information on Derby Days, CLICK HERE.

Our Derby Days Chair, Danny Russell, can be reached via email at for more information as well.

In Hoc.